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FRTLUBE Mechanical Keyboard Grease

Industry Solutions

FRTLUBE Mechanical Keyboard Grease

Case Study: Lubricant For Mechanical Keyboard Stabilizers.
Recommended Products: FRTLUBE Mechanical Keyboard Grease.

Customer's Situation

Lubricant new or lightly used shafts to change feel and eliminate sound. It is necessary to reduce the friction coefficient between the shaft center and the bottom shell and improve the smoothness of the shaft body.

Customer's Purpose

Lubrication can eliminate the noise from the metal parts in the shaft body, such as spring sound and shrapnel sound, and the noise caused by the friction between the shaft body and the bottom shell guide rail. In addition, by lubricating certain parts of the shaft body, it can reduce the sound of shaft body touching the bottom and top while making the bottom and top sounds more dull and focused.

FRTLUBE Solution

Delvelop very low volatility and diffusivity, low coefficient of friction.
Adjust formulation proportion and do not deteriorate.
Improve oxidation stability with extremely long service life.
Increase Tactile feel and Responsiveness.
Makes a new mechanical keyboard feel “broken-in” and elongates the life of the switches.
Highly stable and non-migrating grease for linear-switch or Topre.
Elimination of “scratching” sound and other undesirable acoustic properties.
Increase and extend lubricity and exceptional long life performance.
Model Color  NLGI Base oil Thickener Temp℃ Application
FG100/0 White 0   PFPE PTFE -30~280 Linear Switches
Model Color Base Oil Viscosity at 40°C Temp℃ Application
FL150 Transparent 158 -37~200 Spring only


FRTLUBE FG100/0 is medium viscosity PFPE grease. It provides great sound dampening, and provides butter smooth consistency of key switches.  It special design for mechanical keyboard,it is with extreme stability under extreme temperature conditions, long life and durability, colorless and odorless. Excellent chemical inertness, non-toxic and non-flammable, stable performance under liquid oxygen.FG100/0 mechanical keyboard switch grease is a white buttery grease  It is based on perfluoropolyether (PFPE) oils and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-thickened, contains no additives.     
FG100/0 grease does not damage plastics or elastomers nor cause corrosion of metals. They are commonly used as lubricants in aerospace, automotive, industrial and semiconductor applications as well as in solving many other routine lubrication problems.     
FRTLUBE FG100 switch lube is strong recommended for your custom keyboard switches.