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Lubricant Basics

Lubricant Basics

Lubrication Basics

Lubrication Basics


How to choice suitable greases or oils ?

There are a variety of greases and oils,which one grease is more suitable for our equipments? It is the key for us to select the suitable greases or oils products for our equipments.

we had to make sure that your lubricant is compatible with your application's operating requirements.

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What is NLGI of greases when It come to greases?

What is NLGI of greases when It come to greases?


The National Lubricating Grease Institute (NLGI) has established a specified standard classification for lubricating greases. The NLGI consistency number (known as“NLGI grade”)standard for a measure of the relative hardness of a grease used for lubrication. The bigger the NLGI number which means the grease is more firmer/thicker.

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